
Robert Pattinson Talks Babies: ‘Girls Are Hard To Understand’

Robert Pattinson

‘Twilight’ star would prefer a son…

Robert Pattinson might have had a turbulent few months after girlfriend Kristen Stewart admitted cheating on him with a married director, but that hasn’t stopped him thinking about babies.

Robert Pattinson

The ‘Twilight’ actor was asked whether he would want a son or a daughter, ahead of his role as a father to Renesmee in the new movie ‘Breaking Dawn – Part Two’, and Rob admitted that he doesn’t really understand girls.

The British star was talking to France’s Star Club magazine when he revealed that he thought guys were a lot less complicated, and therefore probably easier to parent.

“I think that that I’d have a better understanding with a boy. Girls are hard to understand. The instruction manual that comes with them is 800 pages long and written in Chinese!

“And if you know how to read it, you realise that you’re still missing 32 more chapters that are essential and you have to improvise. Whereas with a boy, it’s easy. Sports, TV, a video game, some Coke and he’s happy.”

Rob, who found international fame as Edward Cullen in the hit vampire franchise, also admitted that while he loves the pay cheques and being able to travel the world because of the success of the movie, he hates that he is hounded wherever he goes.

“In the end, this role helped me improve my everyday life and my lifestyle,” he explained. “On the other hand, I lost what I cherished the most: my freedom. Some told me that it’s the price for success. I’m sorry to disagree but I feel like it’s a price too high to pay.”

He also added: “It’s strange, I felt like releasing a big ‘phew’ of relief [now filming is over] but at the same time I felt sad. For now, I know that I’m successful. Will it last? I have no idea, but if tomorrow I encounter movie failures, I won’t cry about it.”


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