
5 Of The World’s Coolest Offices

Skype office

It’s time to go to work and you’ve got a case of the Mondays, where every day is less inspiring than the last. And who could blame you? Nobody wants to stare at four beige walls all day, sit in cramped cubicles and squint against the glare of fluorescent lights. If you’re ready for a change, try applying for a job at one of these places, where the environment is decidedly less stuffy: 

Skype office

Infosys has the perfect solution for employees who want to get away: their own bowling alley. Need a little pick-me-up? A strike might be just the thing. Their campuses in India also feature amenities such as swimming pools, lush gardens, and eye popping architecture. Pyramids, domes and the mushroom-like metallic Infosys building in Pune, India are just some examples of their office spaces, which are sure to please the eye.

Maybe you need to get that adrenaline going before the big meeting. Take a tumble down Google’s floor-to-floor slide, which is sure to distract you from the pressure of meeting the boss. In their Mountain View office, employees can kick back in a darkened lounge while fish swim silently in aquariums a few feet away. Shoot some pool in the lounge. When you’re ready to go back to work, offices decorated with clean, simple lines and crayon colors await.

Want to feel connected to the world as you work? Skype might make relocating to Sweden worth your while. Their offices in Stockholm are dotted with multi-colored pieces of furniture that contrast with unobtrusive white walls. The decor brings to mind the many ways Skype allows people to reach out and touch one another.

There’s certainly nothing humdrum about Epic, headquartered in Wisconsin. While employees search for innovative ways to develop Android tablets, they can hunker down in an icy elevator, follow the sculpture of a gigantic copperhead complementing a Wild-West themed building, visit a replica of the New York subway situated in a hallway, or relax next to a small waterfall.

Buck O’Neill Builders
If you’re environmentally conscious, you might want to work for Buck O’Neill Builders, located in San Francisco, California. Specializing in building and remodeling, they present an office façade that’s both aesthetically pleasing and green. Recycled paperstone was used to create countertops and desks. Douglas fir is planted in ‘living walls’ (beautiful, and it filters the air.) Cubicles are warmed by individual radiators, saving on the cost of installing an HVAC ventilation system. The conference room, restrooms, and kitchen are tiled in cork.

Tech companies seem to make up the majority of offices boasting innovative and modern designs. Their culture dictates that the workspace should inspire creativity and be conducive to forming connections between workers. An impressive office also helps in recruiting job seekers and inspires pride in current employees. For a company producing cutting edge technology, a sleek, modern workspace seems like almost a necessity. If you’re bored with your everyday routine, consider making a change. Send off a resume, get your foot in the door. Your imagination will thank you for it.

Sally writes for the Principal Corp group of companies who specialise in b2b managed services, consumer electronics and more. Visit Principal Corp for print auding solutions, Office Magic for photocopiers or Cameron Barclay for office refurbishment.

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