
Why It’s Important To Improve Your Energy Performance Certificate

In April 2006 it was written into the building regulations act that all existing and newly built buildings would have to be subjected to a Standard Assessment Procedure or SAP calculation in order to determine their energy efficiency and their ability to conserve fuel and power. This process helps to decide what a property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) will be like and this will have some effect on the people that live in the building.

So why is it so important that your EPC is a good as possible? Here are a few reasons why it could be a good idea to work at improving it.

It Will Save You Money On Bills –

The energy efficiency of a property will greatly impact on how high or low the costs are for running the building. If the EPC is good and the building has a high standard of energy efficiency then the electric, gas and water bills are going to be much lower than if this wasn’t the case. Therefore improving on your property’s EPC could save you hundreds of pounds per year which will be very welcoming during these times of austerity.

You’ll Be Doing Your Bit For The Planet –

With scientists constantly trying to develop new ways in which we can look after our planet it is no surprise that there is a lot of focus on green issues in politics and the media at the moment. The government brought in these new regulations so that every property would meet a certain standard for energy efficiency and so by improving your EPC further it will have even more of a positive effect on the environment. By insulating your home effectively and introducing things such as solar panels your home will be using less of the planet’s resources and your EPC will be improved.

Your Property Will Be More Appealing To Buyers –

Should you ever wish to sell your property (which you’re quite likely to do at some point) the fact that the SAP calculation has resulted in a favourable energy performance certificate will mean that your home is more of an attractive prospect to potential buyers. Therefore improving your EPC could result in you receiving more interest in your home and you’ll also be able to sell it at a higher price.

This works the same for anyone wanting to rent out their property. Any tenants will see that the energy efficiency is high and will be prepared to pay more to live in the building; knowing that they will save money on the running costs.

How Can I Improve My EPC? –

If the above reasons have inspired you to improve you EPC then you may be wondering how exactly you can do this. Well, as mentioned above, insulation is a good place to start. You can insulate your loft and boiler as well as getting cavity wall insulation. You can also look at installing energy saving systems such as a dual flush on the toilet, a better performing boiler and energy efficient lighting throughout the property. A lot of these things can be funded by the Green Deal which is a government initiative aimed at creating greener homes across the country.

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