Superstar singer Celine Dion announced the release of her latest single, “Love Again,” on Thursday. Filmed for the new movie of the same name starring...
Tyler Perry has directed his first screenplay, 27 years after writing it. A Jazzman’s Blues, which is premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival, was Perry’s...
The Grammys are adding a special song for social change award and five new categories including songwriter of the year, giving the Recording Academy an...
Penélope Cruz has won one of Spain’s top film awards for her contribution to Spanish cinema, the country’s ministry of culture said Monday. The jury...
The U.N. Humanitarian and Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie visited Lviv, western Ukraine on Saturday, the regional governor of Lviv said on Telegram. As Maksym Kozytskyy...
Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande were among the night’s early winners. Music’s biggest night has arrived. Stars from across all genres of music have come...
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